Hunt Saboteurs Ireland

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Connacht Sabs hit Meath Hunt

Meath Hunt, public woods near north commons, Kells, County Meath 15/09/2020

After receiving a tip off from the HSI tip off line that the Meath hunt were going to be in the area cub hunting we decided to make the long trip east to stop them.

We arrived a lot earlier than we expected them to, using this time to spray citronella across the entire wood. We can safely say we left very little area uncovered, creating a scenting nightmare for any would be cub hunters.

At about 6:20am we heard some vocal commands from what sounded like a huntsman summoning hounds. About 15 minutes later a terrierman (vehicle pictured below) drove through the middle of the woods and gave sabs a nice big wave , likely not fully understanding the situation for him immediately. We followed to ensure he was not doing any dirty stuff (blocking setts, Fox dens etc).

He then turned back around and went back to the road, it was at this point we think he contacted his hunt colleges to warn them away from the area. We can only speculate but we believe they either went home or went to a different area as we unfortunately couldn’t get eyes on them.

At about 9:30am after checking the whole region, spraying the wood again and checking their kennels we called it a day and made the long trip back west! One things is for absolute certain: if we were not there lives would have been lost in that wood.

We will be back. If you murder Irish wildlife you will be stopped and exposed. We burnt through a serious amount of diesel today, if you could help us out for our next venture with a “Kofi” donation we would greatly appreciate it:

Tip us off:

Phone- 0892196610
