Hunt Saboteurs Ireland

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Hit Report: Connacht sabs hit North Galway Hunt: Stephens Day 2019


North Galway Hunt, Headford, County Galway

Stevens day is a big day for Irish hunts. It’s the day they all parade through rural Irish villages shoving their archaic ways in folks faces. There was no way we were going to let them go unchallenged!

We decided to finally pay a visit to the north Galway hunt, a hunt whom have tried very hard to pretend to folks that they do not hunt foxes. After a brief wait, we got a tip off from locals that the scum had converged in Headford.

As we entered the area a hunt vehicle was observed to be driving well in excess of 120km/hr with a horse in tow, just goes to show the level of respect these people have for animals. We immediately had eyes on the hunt vehicles, the field presumably in a locals house drinking beforehand.

After about 20 minutes the hunt moved off up to the centre of town. The only person waiting for them from what we could see was a lady giving them the middle finger. They stopped about for 10 minutes then moved off up the road and entered the field. Some riders were then recorded riding directly at sabs at speed.

We then entered the field and had eyes on the hunt when two of our sabs were ridden straight into by a young boy hunter, likely off school for the holidays. One sab was boxed against a wall and grabbed by the scruff whilst they simultaneously shouted us off the land (clearly confusing themselves with the law).

After a brief exchange we moved off again only to be aggressively ran at by a hand waving landowner shouting threats and trying to take sabs equipment. We decided to leave this area as the fox hunting landowner was going to get physical. All of this rubbish was delaying sabs.

We then moved off up the road, only to be aggressively driven at by hunt supporters. One of these supporters is seen in our pictures fully masked up (something the hunt supposedly disagree with) and using their phone whilst driving a car load of kids around.

After a short walk we caught up with the hunt and found an entrance into the field. By the time we got to them they seemed to be finished. Sabs observed the sound of hounds in full cry for a long time so we think they may have killed a fox.

Another bit of aggressive driving and a 4x4 drove into a wall (driver was too busy giving us the finger rather than keeping eyes on the road) capped off a frustrating day. Our numbers were pretty low, many of our sabs not available due to the holidays which we feel gave the hunters more energy to attack us.

We were also informed of anti hunt protests in Meath and Kerry, well done all involved!

We need more sabs in the field and we need more tip offs.

Phone: 089 219 6610

